Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Why not

Over the past few days, I have attended Human Rights Training at one of the organizations here in Jamaica - Jamaicans for Justice.  Really though, it was a forum for various human rights organizations from different countries in the Caribbean to facilitate the creation of a larger Caribbean network of human rights organizations. One network with the resources, knowledge, and support of many organizations. 

I'm glad I took the time to participate in this conference / training.  Although human rights isn't my area of expertise, it was informative to learn about human rights and specifically, what are some of the organizations and what are they doing.  It was also inspiring to see a group of people in a room with the vision to create a better future, not just for their organizations or their country, but on a scale much larger than themselves.  Being there reminded me that to accomplish big things, you must think bigger.  To drive substantial positive change, sometimes it's not good enough just trying to rejig what is already out there, but to think of what's not out there; to look at what holes and gaps exist that we have to fill in to make our society a better place.  This also goes beyond positive social change, impacting economic change - how companies survive and thrive; personal change - how you define your personal and career goals; and technological change - to infinity and beyond.

You see things; and you say, ‘Why?’ But I dream things that never were; and I say, ‘Why not?’

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